
Board Meetings


JUNE 17, 2022    

Regular Monthly Board Meeting
(Budget-Rough Draft presented to Board)


JULY 9, 2022*  

Nomination Committee Report due to Secretary
(Second Saturday in July)

JULY 15, 2022   

Regular Monthly Board Meeting-Proposed Budget on Agenda


AUGUST 13, 2022*  

Nomination by petition due to Secretary
(Second Saturday in August)

AUGUST 12, 2022*

Proposed Budget Presented to membership by mail
(30 days prior to Annual Membership Meeting)

AUGUST 19, 2022

Regular Monthly Board Meeting-Final of Call Letter, Agenda, and information sheet(s) on agenda for approval

AUGUST 20, 2022 

Meet the Candidates-PP 11:00 a.m.

AUGUST 20, 2022 

Budget Review-PP 10:00 a.m.

AUGUST 26, 2022*

Notice of Annual Membership Meeting, Agenda, etc. in mail (14 days prior to Annual Membership Meeting) 

AUGUST 26, 2022**

Close Membership Records at the end of business day
(14 days prior to Annual Membership Meeting)


SEPTEMBER 10, 2022**

Annual Membership Meeting – Pavilion 2:00 p.m.

SEPTEMBER 17, 2022*

 Select Officers – (Within 7 Days following Annual Membership Meeting)

* No later than (per LCORI By Laws)
** Dates required by LCORI By Laws